Customer Testimonials

Don Westcott: QC Manager
New England Fabricated Metals

Bradford Finishing has been servicing the bulk of our painting and powder coating needs since January 2011. They continue to meet or exceed our expectations in quality, timeliness, and pricing. I highly recommend their services.

Bob Santiano: Procurement Manager
Optikos Corporation

We’ve had a great business relationship with Bradford Finishing since 2009. They have helped us keep our customers happy by providing top quality finishing services, fast delivery and competitive pricing. I highly recommend them.

I would like to highlight the excellent experiences and service we have had with Bradford Finishing & Powdercoating. As a business owner we have used the services of Bradford in all aspects of our business of custom sheetmetal, machining and frame powdercoating.

Bradford painting has a strong reputation of being cost competitive while delivering the highest quality workmanship in the local area. I believe in their work because I have seen first-hand how they work with customers to ensure they get the desired look that they are paying for. The team at Bradford is professional from the moment you call their office to the time the painters finish the job. They maintain a very clean and safe work environment on all of their jobs.

It is for this reason we recommend their service.

Adam Theriault: Vice President
D J Fabricators, Inc.

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